Hey there, SEO enthusiast! Welcome to Part 2 of our radical journey: “The Breakfast Club of SEO: Assembling Your Keyword Squad.” In this episode, we’re gonna take a trip down memory lane and borrow some 80s high-school movie vibes to help you create a keyword crew that’ll have search engines and users groovin’ to your site’s beat. So, grab some popcorn and let’s get this party started!

Now, imagine your website as Shermer High School

And your goal is to form a legendary Breakfast Club of keywords. You know, that iconic group of misfits that somehow come together to create magic? That’s your keyword squad. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of assembling this crew!

Keyword Research: The Detention Hall Discovery

Just as the fateful Saturday detention brought the Breakfast Club members together, keyword research is where your keyword journey begins. You’ll discover unique words and phrases to assemble your winning crew, with tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest guiding you to uncover keyword gold. As you sift through diverse personalities, you’ll identify potential stars that resonate with your target audience. Each keyword, much like each Breakfast Club member, brings something different to the table, and together, they’ll make your website truly stand out.

Long-tail Keywords: The Underdogs

Just like how the Breakfast Club was a mix of jocks, geeks, and rebels, your keyword squad needs diversity too. Say hello to long-tail keywords – the underdogs of the SEO world. These are longer, more specific phrases that might not have huge search volumes but make up for it in their ability to target niche audiences. They’re like the Ally Sheedy character, flying under the radar but packing a punch when it comes to getting you noticed.

Striking the Perfect Balance: The Dance Scene

Remember that epic detention dance scene in the library? That’s the kind of harmony you want in your keyword squad. Find the perfect balance between high search volume (the popular kids) and low competition (the quirky misfits) to create an SEO strategy that’ll have Google doing the Moonwalk.

Here’s a pro tip: Use a mix of head terms (short, high-volume keywords) and long-tail keywords (longer, low-competition keywords) to create a balanced ensemble that’ll keep your website rockin’ the search engine results page (SERP).

On-page SEO: Don’t You Forget About Me

With your Breakfast Club of keywords ready to rock, it’s time to ensure your website doesn’t fade into the background like an extra in a John Hughes movie. Instead, let it take centre stage and have everyone humming “Don’t You Forget About Me” every time they think of your site. How? By integrating those rad keywords into your on-page SEO.

Sprinkle your keywords throughout your website like an 80s hit soundtrack, weaving them into page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and content. But be cool about keyword stuffing, like overloading a C-90 mixtape; keep it smooth and make every track count. Keep it natural and let your keyword squad harmonise with your site, creating a memorable experience that has users and search engines alike chanting your name.

So, stay on top of your SEO game, and by the time the final bell rings, your website will be the talk of the digital town, with a well-rounded keyword squad that has both search engines and users singing your praises. So, keep honing your SEO skills, and who knows?

Cue Air Punch

So for those about to SEO…

Marketing Tips, Web Know-How & A Splash of Musical Genius

We’re not merely nodding to Prince’s iconic album “Sign o’ the Times”; we’re talking about the timely evolution your website needs to keep the party alive. So let’s get straight to the point and delve into the five key signs your site needs a revamp, all whilst channelling the Purple One’s undeniable panache.

If Your Website Feels Like It’s Stuck in 1999, Bring It into the Present Day

Feel as though your website’s lost its rhythm? When visitors are more likely to click “exit” than “explore,” it’s a sign changes are in order.

Time to Kiss Your Outdated Design Goodbye

Is your site caught in a ‘Purple Rain’ time warp? As iconic as that era was, websites, like Prince himself, need to adapt and evolve. Get on board with a sleek, modern design that resonates with today’s online audience.

No More Controversy: Make It Responsive

It’s no longer the millennium; your website must adapt to screens of all sizes. Avoid any ‘controversy’—ensure your site is as versatile as it is eye-catching.

The Need for Speed: Don’t Keep Your Audience Waiting

Slow load times can ruin the user experience quicker than you can say “Let’s Go Crazy.” Optimise your assets and put the zip back into your site’s performance. After all, a delay of even a few seconds can drive people away.

Diamonds and Pearls: SEO Matters

Google loves speed, and so will your search rankings. Fine-tune your SEO game, and you’ll soon find your site shining like a gem at the top of the search results.

When Doves Cry, Listen: UX Is King

Confusing menus and broken links? If your visitors are getting lost, it’s a clear sign your user experience needs a tune-up. Guide them smoothly through your site, so they leave feeling delighted, not bewildered.

Simplify, Don’t Frustrate: Keep Content Clear

Your visitors want information, not a riddle. Keep your site content as crisp as the intro to “Kiss” and make navigation a breeze.

Gett Off the Bench: Add Interactive Elements

If your site feels dated, it’s time to introduce some modern functionality. Remember, broken links are not only detrimental to user experience but also a no-go for SEO. Keep things running smoothly.

Social Media: Your Website’s Best Supporting Act

A site without social media is like a guitar without strings. Integrate platforms like Instagram and X (the Social Formerly Known as Twitter) to keep your content fresh and relatable.

Direct the Spotlight: Use Effective CTAs

Lead your visitors where you want them to go. Clear, effective calls to action can make all the difference in achieving your site’s goals.

Keeping Tabs: Monitor Your Performance

Understanding your site’s analytics is key to giving your audience what they desire. Keep track, refine, and improve.

Time for Your Website’s Encore Performance

Revamping your website isn’t just a task—it’s an opportunity to reinvigorate your online presence and set the stage for future successes. If any of these signs resonate with you, don’t dither. Let’s make your website the next chart-topper.

For those about to web

The importance of Evergreen Content

Ah, evergreen content. Just like the roots of rock n’ roll, it’s here to stay, making its mark throughout time. Dive in, and let’s jam out on this topic together!

The Basics: What is Evergreen Content?

You ever hear a classic rock song and think, “Man, this never gets old”? That’s evergreen content for ya – always relevant, always fresh.

Characteristics of Evergreen Content

Timelessness: Just like our love for old school rock, it never expires.

Relevance: Keeps the audience engaged, no matter when they stumble upon it.

Authority: Positions you as the “rockstar” in your niche.

Imagine evergreen content as The Beatles and time-sensitive content as the one-hit wonders. Both have their moments, but only one truly stands the test of time. “I’m too sexy for my shirt…” (see what I mean).

Why is Evergreen Content Crucial?

Cue the guitar solos, folks! Here’s the main chorus of why evergreen content is the real headliner for your business.

SEO Benefits

Search engines love them some evergreen. It’s like having a permanent spot on the top charts. “Greetings pop pickers…Not ‘arf mate!”

Consistent Traffic Flow

Keeps the audience coming back for encores. More eyeballs, more applause!

Builds Authority and Trust

You’re not just any band; you’re the one with the timeless hits. Evergreen content positions you as a thought leader.

The Rock n’ Roll of Evergreen Content

Let’s get the amps turned up to 11 and understand why evergreen content is the real rock n’ roll of the digital world – your content will ‘keep on rockin’ in the free world’.

Everlasting Like Legendary Rock Music

From Elvis to Zeppelin, some tunes never fade away. Similarly, evergreen content remains in the spotlight.

The Unchanging Beat of Evergreen

While trends may come and go, the rhythm of evergreen content remains steady, drawing in listeners—erm, I mean readers—for years. 

Personal Story alert: When Facebook Went Offbeat

Alright, alright, alright…gather round. Storytime with a twist of personal woe and a sprinkle of rock n’ roll. I recently faced the digital version of a stage dive gone wrong –  my Facebook got broken into when in Bali!

“Tonight there’s gonna be a jailbreak, somewhere in this town” (I’d probably check the Jail, Phil).

The Hacking Incident

So I’ve now lost access to my business page. Feels like someone stole my favourite guitar! How can I connect with my ‘fans’ now? (did somebody shout ‘what fans’? You Judas). 

The Role of Evergreen Content in Recovery

Well, thanks to the evergreen content on my website, the show must go on! My readers still have a place to turn on, tune in and vibe out, even after the main stage went dark. Hurrah

How to Create Rocking Evergreen Content

Want to join the hall of fame of digital rockstars? Here’s your ticket to the top.

Timeless Topics

Choose subjects that are always in vogue. Think “Stairway to Heaven” and not just the summer hit of ’94. (‘Saturday Night’ by Wigfield if you really wanna know).

Keep It Updated

Rock may never die, but it does evolve. Refresh your content, give it a new beat now and then. 

Engage Your Audience

Invite them to sing along! Use relatable anecdotes, sprinkle some wit, and make it a two-way concert. We all know the best gigs require some crowd participation.  “Ay-Oh!” Indeed Freddie 

So, there we have it folks. Evergreen is golden. 

Evergreen content is the unsung hero, the legendary guitar riff, the timeless beat in the cacophony of digital content. It endures, it engages, and it establishes you as the rockstar you are. So, are you ready to roll?

For those about to web…

Bust those pesky Google ghosts and make your website visible with our SEO essentials!

Welcome to the first instalment of our Ghostbusters Guide to Bustin’ Google Ghosts! If you’re a business owner, blogger, or online marketer, you know that having a strong online presence is essential for success. But with so many Google ghosts lurking around, it can be challenging to know how to get your website to rank higher and stand out from the crowd. Fear not, for we have the ultimate guide to help you bust those ghosts with ease. In this first part, we’ll give you the lowdown on SEO basics.

I. Spotting Google Ghosts

Before you can start busting those ghosts, you need to be able to spot them. Google ghosts are factors that prevent your website from being easily found and indexed by search engines. Some common ghosts include:

II. Keyword Research: The Proton Pack of SEO

Keywords are essential tools in your SEO arsenal. Here’s how to harness them:

  1. Brainstorm: Think of possible terms your audience might search for.
  2. Research: Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush.
  3. Analyse: Peek at competitors’ keywords.
  4. Long-Tail Keywords: Go niche to rank higher.

III. Meta Tags: The Ghost Trap

Ensure search engines grasp your page’s essence:

IV. Quality Content: The Ecto-1

Drive your website’s success with stellar content:

Busting Google ghosts can be challenging, but armed with the right tools, it’s entirely feasible. With effective keyword research, meta tag optimization, and captivating content, you’re set to gain better visibility.

When you think SEO, remind yourself: “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!” Regular updates will keep those ghosts at bay, boosting your search engine ranks and attracting more visitors.

Stay with us for more Ghostbusters Guide editions, offering advanced SEO techniques to elevate your online presence.

So for those about to SEO… who you gonna call?

Welcome to the digital stadium, where the stage is your website, and your audience spans across the globe. Just as rockstars electrify the crowd with killer guitar solos and catchy lyrics, you need to keep your visitors hooked with a web design that’s both visually compelling and user-friendly. Make your website into your ‘Hotel California’ – once visitors check-in, they can’t ever leave.


Let’s kick off this concert with the heart and soul of your website – the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design. Just like the pulsating rhythm section of a band, UX/UI design lays the groundwork for a smooth, intuitive experience, making your website as easy to navigate as the lyrics sheet of a Beatles song.  Nah, nah nah, nananana, nananana, hey… it’s UX Dude! Sorry Paul.

UX/UI design is all about harmony. The key is to make the user’s journey as effortless as possible, just like the flow of a well-arranged setlist. Interactive elements should be strategically placed, easy to find, and satisfying to use, turning every click into a foot-tapping beat.


Visual design is the lead vocalist of your website – it’s the first thing people notice and the most memorable part of the experience. To ensure your website hits the high notes, use captivating images, catchy headers, and a colour scheme that’s as harmonious as a Queen harmony. Ay-oh. 

And like any good frontman/woman, your visual design should resonate with your audience. Think of the legendary Bowie, an outer planetary chameleon of style, constantly adapting to meet the taste and expectations of his fans. Your visual design should be a reflection of your target audience’s preferences and sensibilities. You don’t need to don your thunderbolt make-up, but be prepared to make some ch-ch-ch-changes. 


Now, what’s a rock concert without an audience? And for your website, that’s where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in – it’s the radio play that gets you the crowd. SEO, with its keywords and backlinks, is like the drummer, providing the steady beat that keeps your website visible and relevant in the vast digital concert of the internet.

Blogs, as discussed in our previous piece, are a fantastic way to improve your SEO. They’re like the prolific songwriting of Lennon & McCartney, constantly delivering fresh content that keeps your site active and Google happy. To the toppermost of the poppermost.


Just as The Grateful Dead cultivated a massive, loyal fanbase with their Deadheads, your website needs a dedicated following. Social media is the modern day fan club – it’s where you engage with your audience, share your content, and spread your brand’s message.

Having shareable content on your website, such as blogs or videos, allows your audience to promote your site on their social channels, further boosting your reach. Just like the way fans used to make mixtapes to share their favourite tracks, social shares can bring new visitors to your site, turning them into fans, one post at a time.  And you’re not limited to a c90 tape!


Last but not least, interactive elements are the final encore that leaves your audience begging for more. They’re the Hendrix guitar solos that turn a good concert into a legendary experience. Quizzes, polls, feedback forms – these are your solos, transforming your website from a passive experience into an engaging jam session.

Interactive design promotes user engagement and increases dwell time, signalling to search engines that your website offers value – it’s the standing ovation that tells Google your site deserves the spotlight. 


Designing a website that rocks in 2023 is like organising the ultimate concert. It requires a harmonious blend of UX/UI design, visually captivating elements, SEO-optimised content, an active social media presence, and interactive features to keep your audience engaged.

When these elements come together, you create a digital experience that’s as unforgettable as a live concert – a website that not only draws in visitors but keeps them coming back for more. Just like the enduring appeal of rock and roll, a well-designed website never goes out of style. Let’s keep the design world rocking, one site at a time.

And for those about to web…

It’s 2023, and people keep asking me if blog writing is dead or if it’s still rocking the world like Mick & Keef. Well, hold onto your socks, folks, because blogs are doing more than the moonwalk – they’re delivering a head-banging solo in the digital concert of content. Just like my music taste, good blog writing is timeless – it keeps on rocking.

Unleashing the Immortal Power of Blog Writing

Even in our ‘Black Mirror’-esque digital age, blog writing stands tall like a rebel with a cause, playing the enduring power of the written word like Hendrix rocked his Stratocaster at Woodstock. It’s a stage where thoughts and ideas are not just expressed,they’re etched into the annals of the Blog & Roll Hall of Fame, achieving a form of immortality like Keith Richards.

In a sea of TikToks and Instagram reels, blog writing is like your favourite vinyl record. It brings about a deeper connection, a richer narrative – it’s genuine, personal, and just brimming with heart – it also sounds (and smells) so much better eh? Blogs can touch lives, offering comfort, sparking inspiration, and providing a whole new perspective, just like the way ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ can send chills down your spine every single time. Mamma, ooh ooh ooh. 

And let’s not forget that blogs are the ultimate open mic night for your thoughts and feelings. It’s 2023, and nothing’s cooler than being yourself (especially true for Bob Dylan). Through blogs, you can explore your passions, address issues close to your heart, or share personal narratives – much like Morrissey’s lyrical soul-baring in the ’80s.. without blogs, your SEO is going to struggle –  “Oh Google, I can see the rankings falling over my site…and as I log into an empty analytics dashboard; Oh well. Enough said” (not, the Smiths)

Blogs are the Rolling Stones of inspiration and motivation. Through personal triumphs and lessons learned, bloggers have the potential to ignite a spark within their readers, reminding us all that we Can’t Always Get What We Want, but if we try sometimes, we might find, we get what we need. Preach Mick, preach. 

The SEO Side: The Blockbuster SEO Impact of Blogs

On top of the emotional and artistic punches that blog writing packs, they also wield a secret weapon – SEO. Blog posts are like Hans Zimmer’s scores – when done right, they elevate the entire experience, and before you know it, Google’s spotlight is shining right on you. They attract organic traffic, the lifeblood of any site, like a headlining act draws a crowd.

Blogs also come with the gift of credibility. In the wild, wild west of misinformation, a well-written blog is your trusty steed, helping you establish authority, just like Clint in a Spaghetti Western. 

The Human Touch: Like a Tarantino Dialogue in a World of Bland Scripts

In the digital space, authentic blogs stand out like Kubrick masterpieces in a pile of straight-to-DVD movies. Human-written content has a unique voice, a personal touch – something that even the smartest AI can’t replicate (we’ve all seen Terminator 2 – it doesn’t end well when we rely on AI.). And just like the trusty narrator in ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, blogs build a sanctuary of trust, drawing readers back with an insatiable hunger for more, like the sweet taste of freedom after years of confinement. You read that in Morgan Freeman’s voice didn’t you?  

This connection isn’t a one-hit wonder; it’s a chart-topping classic that keeps getting airtime. By consistently providing valuable content and actively engaging with the audience, bloggers can create a loyal fanbase. It’s like being part of a dedicated fan club, with newsletters and social media interactions replacing meet-and-greets.

Blogging in 2023: Like MTV’s Evolution but Cooler

Blogging today is more than just words on a screen – it’s a multimedia rock festival. Alongside text, you have infographics and videos adding a visual splash, making the experience as immersive as a Pink Floyd concert. Hey man, don’t bogart that joint. 

Video blogs and podcasts are the new rockstars of content, providing an engaging alternative to traditional writing, like how MTV revolutionised the music industry. Add in interactive elements like quizzes, polls, and surveys, and your blog becomes a jam session, fostering a stronger bond with your audience. 

Collaborations and influencer marketing? They’re the digital age’s version of a supergroup. Team up with other bloggers or influencers, and you can tap into new fan bases and ignite a frenzy of fans, expanding your reach faster than the British Invasion of the 60s. 

And in the End the love you take is equal to the blogs you make… I think Macca said that. 

So there you have it folks, just like vinyl records and rock ‘n’ roll, blog writing in 2023 is far from being a thing of the past. Its ability to connect, inspire, and captivate is a timeless classic, and the SEO benefits are the cherry on top of the digital sundae. Blogs provide a unique, human touch that makes them stand out in the digital crowd, just like a rockstar in a sea of boybands. So let’s crank the amp to 11, and keep on blogging, because this concert has a never ending encore.

Google Algorithm Updates

Did you hear that?

Sounded like a rumble in the rankings.

That could be because Google recently announced a major update, or rather a series of updates, to their broad core algorithm.

What’s a core algorithm?

It’s the most fundamental part of a magic formula.

A series of complex calculations that decide where your website appears, if at all, in Google’s search results.

Is it a big deal?

Well, maybe. Probably.

You see, Google makes changes all the time (in one year as many as 9 per day on average) and they don’t usually say anything.

When they do make a core update, there’s a big announcement. Followed by much commotion and hoo-hah in the Search Engine Marketing circles.

It’s a sure sign the changes are big ones and potentially rather disruptive.

Good or bad? Hard to tell. Maybe indifferent.

Oh really? So why should I care?

Because it could lead to a big drop in your website traffic.

Simply falling just one place in the search rankings could mean losing 13% of your visitors.

Cascade out of the top 3 and lose around 60% of the clicks.

Tumble to the bottom of page 1 and see your organic traffic virtually disappear.

It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom of course…

Search Engine Optimisation is a zero-sum game

SEO is a zero-sum game.

What’s bad news for one website could be good for another.

You might benefit from climbing a spot or two. A page or two.

Break into the top 3 places and it could be a game changer for your business.

If your motives are in-line with Google’s view of the web-wide-world then by jingo, thou shalt be rewarded.

For example:

If, prior to Google’s mobilegeddon update, your site was mobile’s bff.

Then arise, Lord Liquid Layout.

Prior to Google’s Panda update, you might have invested time creating thorough, unique, compelling content.

Arise, King of Content.

Perhaps if you had your SSL in place before Google’s update to flag non https sites as ’not secure’ then arise, Sir Site Security III.

OK, the last one was not a core update, but you get the message.

It’s about being prepared. And then subsequently rewarded.

What should I do to prepare?

The best way to get ready for a core update is to worry less about what Google are doing.

And more about what you are doing.

Be less concerned about trying to guess how Google will interpret signals.

And focus more on how to add value to your visitors.

Do you know why?

Some things never change

Because, like the cast of Disney’s Frozen once sung, some things never change.

Whatever the update, one fact remains consistent.

The job of the search engine is to always recommend the best sites for the user’s query.

So your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to:

  1. Make sure your site provides the best information or solutions for that query.
  2. Make it easy for Google to recognise this.

How do I do that?

How does a Formula One racing team win a championship?

They have the fastest car? One of the best drivers? Possibly. Often both.

But the fact is, thousands of successful factors must combine to make this happen.

Sure, just like the driver or engine power, some aspects more important than others.

But it’s about optimising everything for peak performance.

What should I do to monitor whether my site has been impacted?

1. Check-in with Google.

Put a little time aside to explore Google Analytics and Search Console.

You’ll be able to take a look at the data.

2. Use other keyword tracking tools

Specialised tracking tools can monitor performance across a wide range of criteria.

Such as device, location different search engines and even analysing different user intent.

They will notify you when your rankings change.

And you can have them monitor your competition too.

See how they are performing for the same keywords and key phrases.

If someone has gotten the jump on you following a recent update, it might be worth a deeper dive to investigate why.

There are plenty of other free (and freemium) SERP tracking tools available.

To name just a few.

3. Just keep swimming

Ignore the fact that two Disney references in one post is way too much and understand that search-engine-land is a volatile place.

Your website ranking can go up as well as down.

Think of the search landscape as fluid. Forever in motion.

It’s important to work consistently to improve your offering.

Google once likened core updates to a list of top movies.

One way to think of how a core update operates is to imagine you made a list of the top 100 movies in 2015. A few years later in 2019, you refresh the list. It’s going to naturally change. Some new and wonderful movies that never existed before will now be candidates for inclusion. You might also reassess some films and realize they deserved a higher place on the list than they had before.

So what they’re saying is, your website doesn’t need to change for your ranking to change.

Other sites might come up and knock you off your perch.

Or, your offering might be interpreted as offering more value.

But unlike a classic 80s movie like Lost Boys, which should get more credit now than it did…

A website that hasn’t changed in a year is less likely to receive accolades.

In fact, that’s only really likely to happen if you improve it.

Work on it. Keep working on it.

Keep swimming and you may reach the surface.

Stop swimming and your site will slowly sink.

You see, SEO is a little like going to the gym.

Go consistently, work hard. You’ll see results.

Stop going. What happens?

Well, you may need to loosen that belt again.

What was the last update about?

Google won’t say specifically. And it’s perhaps a bit early to tell.

However, if recent history is anything to go by, it’ll be about 3 things

We’ve already seen Google’s Core Web Vitals play a strong part…

And any new signals complement factors already in play regarding page experience.

Things like mobile compatibility and site security for instance.

There are rumblings from the seo community about this update tackling spam or ai content.

Or perhaps doubling down on the E.A.T (Often now E.E.A.T):


We’ve also observed results from a focus on semantic search. Semantic search isn’t just about similar words for the same things. But rather it’s about a big focus on understanding what people really mean when they search. What are they looking to do, exactly? What is the Search Intent?

Still about Quality

The latest update has been a bit, let’s say, volatile. This has prompted a few people to ask if Google felt they had got this one wrong. When Google’s John Mueller was asked about it, he said “I’d expect a focus on quality to continue”. A little vague, but there you have it. Focus on providing quality content for your audience.

It’s not all about them

You matter, too. You know that, right?

In addition to Google rewriting their magic formula, your business evolves.

Markets move, customers change, competitors adapt.

SEO is an ongoing activity that improves user experience, relevance, and authority amidst all these changes.

So sometimes a pause, review, and reboot are helpful.

To help align your SEO strategy and content with your business today (and tomorrow).

Not sure where to start?

We make that easy. Here. Get a free site audit.

We’ll be in touch to explain what options you have.

No hard sell. Just a few insights and ideas that might just make the difference.

Ah, website design – the art of creating a digital haven that invites customers to frolic, engage, and ultimately, hand over their hard-earned cash. Sounds easy, right? Well, not so much. Every day, countless businesses fall victim to common web design blunders, like cluttered layouts, slow load times, and, heaven forbid, autoplaying videos (shudder).

But today, we’re not here to discuss the usual suspects. We’re venturing off the beaten path to explore the less-discussed web design mistakes businesses make. Grab your hiking boots, intrepid readers, and let’s dive into the world of uncommon website design faux pas!

The Long-Lost Art of Navigation

Some websites are like a maze designed by a particularly malicious Minotaur. Visitors find themselves in a labyrinth of drop-down menus, hidden pages, and links that lead nowhere. Remember, folks, the back button is a powerful tool and an impatient click away. An intuitive, easy-to-navigate website is the key to keeping users happily browsing and exploring your digital realm.

Curse of the Infinite Scroll

Infinite scrolling may seem like a nifty idea on paper, but it’s a Pandora’s box of frustration for some users. When done well, it can create a seamless browsing experience. When done poorly, it leaves users desperately seeking that elusive footer or any semblance of a menu. Don’t let your website fall victim to the curse of the infinite scroll – provide clear navigation and a way to escape the abyss.

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Search Bar

Imagine strolling into a library, only to find there’s no card catalogue or helpful librarian to guide you. That’s what it’s like to visit a content-rich website with no search bar. A simple search function can save your users from the despair of manually sifting through your website’s treasure trove of content. And remember, a happy user is a loyal user.

The “Why Are We Yelling?” Typography

We get it, you’re excited about your business – as you should be! But when your website is a cacophony of competing fonts, colours, and sizes, it can feel like you’re yelling at your users. Choose a consistent, easy-to-read font, and avoid the temptation to make everything bold, italicised, or underlined. Your users’ eyes will thank you.

The Social Media Quandary

Social media: a double-edged sword for any business. While it’s essential to connect with your audience, smattering your website with social media icons can create a perplexing predicament. Like the Pied Piper’s alluring melody, they entice users away from your meticulously designed content and into the rabbit hole of social media distractions. Keep those icons within reach, but don’t let them overshadow your site’s primary objectives.

Avoiding these uncommon web design mistakes can help your business stand out from the crowd – in a good way! Remember to prioritise user experience, maintain consistency in design, and keep your website’s goals in mind. Now go forth, intrepid business owners, and create websites that are as delightful and well-designed as they are effective! 

And remember folks, for those about to web, choose Nettl as your trusted design dude to guide you on this digital journey. Let’s rock the internet together!

Woah, what’s this? Bodacious dudes, Bill & Ted are here with some most excellent SEO tips for you dude and dudettes. Strap in tight for an excellent SEO adventure. Over to you “Bill” S. Preston Esq. and Ted “Theodore” Logan… Let’s start this adventure and get ready to optimise your website in the most bodacious way possible.

  1. Be excellent to your keywords, my dudes.

To rank higher on search engines, make sure your keywords are placed in the title, meta description, and throughout your content. Use keywords in a natural and organic way, and don’t stuff them in unnaturally. Also, don’t forget to use variations of your main keywords for a better ranking.

  1. Don’t be bogus with your backlinks.

Backlinks are a vote of confidence for your website, and having quality backlinks from credible sources can help you rank higher. Avoid sketchy backlink schemes and focus on getting links from reputable sources that are relevant to your content. Don’t buy or trade links, as it’s a surefire way to get into trouble.

  1. Make sure your website is rad and easy to navigate

Make sure your website is simple and easy to navigate, as search engines love that. Keep it straightforward and allow surfers to find what they’re looking for quickly. Also, make sure your site is mobile-friendly and loads quickly for a better user experience.

  1. Keep your content fresh and bodacious, dude

Keep your website updated with new and relevant content to attract search engines and keep them coming back for more. Aim to write longer content, as studies have shown that longer content ranks better in Google.

  1. Be excellent to each other, and party…I mean share on!

Share your content on various social media platforms to get more visibility and drive more surfers to your site. But make sure your content is worthy of being shared. Content that’s heinous won’t get shared, so make it bodacious!

That’s all folks! Bill & Ted have signed off in their time-travelling SEO machine. Don’t forget to follow these tips to help you create a website that’s excellent, bodacious, and ranks higher on search engines. So, be excellent to your keywords, avoid bogus backlinks, make your site user-friendly, keep your content fresh, and share on social media platforms. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to a most triumphant website!

So, how’s your brand’s tone of voice? If you’re mouthing WTF at the screen, read on (or watch the vid)

Your voice is the essence of how you express yourself, your values and your mission as a business in your written and spoken communications. The tone of your brand voice helps your customers pre-empt what to expect from your service and guides your team to deliver that consistently.

Tone of Voice describes the way your brand speaks to its audience. What your business sounds like, and what people can expect from you along the customer journey.

Why does tone of voice matter to my branding?

Simply put, It helps you stand out from the crowd. It adds a layer of personality to your brand – it can appeal to your target client’s emotions and their own goals. It helps build connection and can make a user feel that the company cares about them. That’s huge. It can bring your brand to life, inject anything from humour to comfort to authority, with your voice. Amazing.

Stats from 2020 show that in every minute of the day there are:
6million people shopping online
575 thousand new tweets
65 thousand new instagram posts
5.7million google searches
And 12million iMessages sent.

So, amongst all this chaotic chatter, how can you be heard above the noise?

Stats show it takes 50 milliseconds (that’s .05 seconds) for users to form their opinion of your website. This is where brand tone of voice comes into play – if you don’t get the tone right, you can lose out on that call, click or visit.

In a world of stiff, boring, businesses speak, you can be a friendly and inspiring voice of human connection and understanding. Create emotion and hit them right in the feels.

Need help finding your voice? Then just give me a shout (see what I did there?)
