January 19, 2022

The sound of music…

If I’ve had the pleasure of Zooming with you or meeting in person, you may have noticed I’m a massive music fan/nerd!

The wall of fame that sits behind me shows off my taste in music (good or bad, you can judge!). It’s been a great conversation starter and ice breaker for Zoom calls and meeting new people. I feel it’s really important in business to let your passions shine though – it’s a great way to make a connection, spark conversations and is something I recommend you build into your brand voice or about us page. Whatever that passion may be, it can really help humanise a business.

For me, music plays a huge part in my life, my personality, and, something I’m obsessively passionate about – I try to inject it into my day wherever possible. It’s one of the reasons why I got into design in the first place – a love of album covers, studying every inch of the sleeve, reading the liner notes, the smell of vinyl *Homer Simpson drool noise*. So many great and iconic designs.

Before Spotify, you either spent your hard earned cash (or pocket money) on an album based on the reputation of the band, recommendations from friends, or even by the cover art alone! We all judge books by their covers (trust me, I’ve bought a few dodgy albums in my time!) That’s the power design has – it can turn you on or off in a split second.

Choosing a designer for your next design project is equally important – look at their body of work, are they serving up design hits – are their websites smashing it and going platinum? Can they help you get up the google ‘charts’ to that coveted number one spot? Okay I’ll stop it with the music analogies!

Anyway, so far this week I’ve mostly been playing Tom Petty’s Wildflowers – a tremendous album if you haven’t heard it.
I’ll leave you with some wise words from Mr Petty…

‘Most of the things I worry about, never happen anyway’ (Crawling Back to You).

Love that line. 🙂

Article written by Alan

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